Friday, December 5, 2008

Even more improvement...

Today we got to the hospital and Nathan had been moved to the Transition Nursery and was in a regular bassinet. He still had his oxygen strapped on, but the setting was somewhere about halfway between 21 and 30%. 21% is considered the same as room air. We spoke the the dr and he will be taking him off the oxygen tomorrow and if he is able to hold his sats on room air for 24 hours, we can take him HOME. That means, if all goes well, we will be taking him home on Sunday.


Just a pic or two... or SIX

Jeff hasn't had a chance to go through the pics from last night yet. But here are a few from the last couple of days.

One of Nathan's caregivers... Nurse Ashleigh

Mommy's first diaper change

For the first couple of days, this was all the touching we could do.


1st night in the NICU... gotta love the space helmet oxygen bubble.

Such tiny little fingers...