Sunday, December 7, 2008

Not coming home until Wednesday...

Evidently Nathan had an Apnea episode when they first took him off the oxygen. Tonight was the first we have heard of this... :( Anyway, it was a 1x incident but they wait 5 days after something like this before they let them go home. :::sigh:::

On an up note, we were able to attempt breastfeeding tonight and he latched on like a champ. I was really concerned since he had been either tube fed or bottle fed for the last week. He didn't nurse long, too much work for him I guess...LOL But we'll try again tomorrow. Nathan is proof that I don't give up easily. ;)

We are on room air!!!

They pulled Nathan off the nasal canula yesterday and he has been on room ever since. His sats are good at 97-100% and his respirations are normal. We are getting conflicting information from the nurses about when he might go home. The Dr said that if he did well on room air for 24 hours, he could go home. Last night the NICU nurse told us that the normal timeframe is 48 hours after removing oxygen support. Of course the Dr has the last word, but we all know how that goes. So... he may go home today... he may go home tomorrow.

For those of you itching for some more pictures... here are a few to sure to satisfy. :)

Mommy's first chance to hold him.

Daddy kisses!!!

He's such a content baby... let's hope this continues!!!


My!!! What big EYES YOU HAVE!!!!