Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hi folks...

I've gotten a few emails today asking if I'm ok since I haven't posted. I apologize for worrying folks. There just wasn't anything to post. We're still here, no contractions, bleeding etc... The third trimester insomnia is setting in and I'm tired and sleepy most of the time. Being here is starting to wear on me and wear on my family. I know I'm here for a reason and that these weeks are nothing compared to the time we'll have with our child. I just see the toll it is starting to take on my family. Jeff's tired, mom's tired, Jack's acting out... My sister will be here next Saturday and hopefully having someone fresh and rested in the house will help.

Anyway, that is where things are now. We'll be fine. :)


  1. Hugs hun. I think about you all the time. Hang in there.

  2. Hiya Pam...hang in there..glad to know the bun is still in the oven..and as always...let me know if ya need me :)
